About Aidan's mama

September 10, 2011

Diet Shmiet

"The only time to eat diet food is when you are waiting for the steak to cook"- Julia Child

My pregnancy consisted of one thing; eating my way through the day. I ballooned up to a really high weight that my height could not handle. It wasn't hard, in fact eating came quite naturally to me...surprise, surprise.

It took me a while, but miraculously the weight came off. I can attribute it to infrequent exercise, child rearing and a low carb & gluten free diet.

Whenever possible I try to resist my arch nemesis- the dreaded delicious carb, but sometimes it's calling out my name so much I must silence it by shoving it in my mouth as fast as possible and pretend it never happened (nothing to see here folks, move along).

But honestly, I'm not as strict as I sound. I enjoy my life, my food and I feel great 98% of the time. The worst I feel is when I eat large amounts of wheat but I avoid it like the plague. Since going from a vegetarian to vegan to full on carnivore I must say I have more energy than ever. I rarely feel moody, and always wake up ready to take on the day (despite lack of sleep from the child)

Viva la low carb!

Spicy BBQ pulled chicken, fresh corn & corn meal fritter/cakes over tangy slaw (cabbage from the garden)

Corn cakes
1/2 cup corn meal
1/2 cup Atkins baking mix
1/2 cup fresh corn
1/2 cup whole organic milk (or any kind of milk)
1 egg, beaten
green onion
garlic powder
butter or oil for frying

Mix together ingredients, add more milk if you desire a more runny consistency. Fry up on a pan, cook til brown and enjoy.

You can also add cheese to the batter- because it's really not a complete meal unless if cheese is included.


  1. Low-Carb and Gluten-Free. Way to go! Congrats on your weight loss and figuring things out. You speak Spanish. Wondering where in the world you are. :)

  2. LoL jenn, I am from Michigan!!!!!!! :)


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