About Aidan's mama

July 11, 2011

well balanced

These 3 little bear pancakes went in Aidan's digestive system

what's not to love?


Walnut vanilla cream

1cup soaked walnuts (soaked for at least 2 hours)
almond milk to texture of choice
several dates

Blend and try not to eat the whole things in 5 minutes.


Layered with some chia pudding, one of my favorite & strange creations.

Chia, is familiar to most of us as a seed used for the novelty of the Chia Pet™, clay animals with sprouted Chia seeds covering their bodies. Little is known, however, of the seeds tremendous nutritional value and medicinal properties. For centuries this tiny little seed was used as a staple food by the Indians of the south west and Mexico. Known as the running food, its use as a high energy endurance food has been recorded as far back as the ancient Aztecs. It was said the Aztec warriors subsisted on the Chia seed during the conquests. The Indians of the south west would eat as little as a teaspoon full when going on a 24hr. forced march. Indians running form the Colorado River to the California coast to trade turquoise for seashells would only bring the Chia seed for their nourishment.

    If you add a spoonful of Chia in a glass of water and leave it for approximately 30 minutes or so, when you return the glass will appear to contain not seeds or water, but an almost solid gelatin. This gel-forming reaction is due to the soluble fiber in the Chia. Research believe this same gel-forming phenomenon takes place in the stomach when food containing these gummy fibers, known as mucilages, are eaten. The gel that is formed in the stomach creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down, thus slowing the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar....yummy-o, LOL.


Aidan is bout it- bout it.

When in doubt, put it in a smoothie.


The dehydrator can be one of your best friends if you treat it well. I hang out with mine when I have the time & patience to deal with it. In this 'cookie" I used walnuts, apples & dates...so freaking good. Dehydrated for only couple of hours, so it is still chewy.

Raw hemp butter, get some.

Hemp contains more of the beneficial amino acids than proteins such as milk, eggs or meat.
Hemp is a complete source of protein and is easily digestible.
Hemp seed contains almost seven times more omega-3 fatty acids than fish. It also provides an option for those unable to eat gluten, meat, sugar and milk. It is a good addition to a diet for those concerned about avoiding carbohydrates.


Flax crackers

All I did was put flax seeds in water, until they formed a goo- much like chia seeds. I then added some onion, soy sauce and seasonings- then dehydrated it til' crunchy.

(HealthCastle.com) Its high content of alpha linolenic acids (ALA) has made the ancient flax seed become our modern miracle food. ALA is a type of plant-derived omega 3 fatty acid, slightly different from the marine-based omega 3. Early studies found that flax seeds may aid lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the Bad cholesterol) levels. They may also keep platelets from becoming sticky therefore reducing the risk of a heart attack.

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