The sweet miracle of life has occurred!
Welcome Brendan, you are a beautiful blessing and we love you so very much!
It has been an exceptionally hot week. Lots of time at the pool, and lots of time in the back yard. Summer has been fantastic, and Aidan has been soaking up the sun.

The garden has been 'busting fat moves', so to say. It just keeps kickin' out tons of produce and I can't eat or prepare it fast enough.

splendid organic deliciousness.

For brunch I made a squash scramble that was surprisingly great, and some yellow squash & zucchini muffins.

Aidan approves.

The big boys

Here is how I made the magic;
- 3 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 3 teaspoons ground apple pie spice mix (cinnamon,nutmeg,clove)
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup vegetable oil
- 2 sugar
- 3 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2 cups grated zucchini/yellow squash
- 1 cup chopped walnuts
- 3/4 cup chocolate chips
Mix together the oil, sugar, vanilla, eggs. Add the squash, walnuts, and chips. In a separate bowl sift the remaining ingredients then add in small portions at a time to the wet mixture. Scoop into baking cups- bake at 325 for 30min. or until done, check with a toothpick.

Aidan's squash squares
- 1 cup flour
- 2 cups squash
- 2 cups oats
- 1/2 cup ground flax
- 1/2 cup veg oil
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 cup grade B maple syrup (optional)
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- pinch of salt
I made this up because I wanted a low sugar alternative for my baby boo- the less sugar he has in his life the better. He LOVED these and you will too! They pair well with tea :)

For dinner I made a squash miso soup, using the fresh lima beans & a thai chili from the garden. Along side of the soup is a cold cucumber seaweed salad in a sweet rice wine vinegar dressing, with hijiki seaweed- so good for you!
I call this, "the last supper mac & cheese"- made with my pregnant superstar in mind.

A perfect last meal for any occasion.
3 different types of cheese, asiago turkey meatballs, applewood smoked bacon and a herb panko crust.
I keep getting requests for the recipe but I didn't measure anything for this dinner- the next mac & cheese I make I will take exact measurements...needless to say you wish you had some, I promise.
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